Monday, February 21, 2011

Cabela's Socks: A Eulogy

I bought you in the Spring of 2004 as I was preparing for a summer in Yosemite. I needed something warm for my feet when I was to go trekking through the mountains. I wore you on so many hikes through the most beautiful part of the country. You were on my feet when I took some of the best photos I've ever taken.

I took you back to Boston with me for two years of seminary. You were with me for that winter in Ipswich, when Breena & I, newlyweds, froze our butts off in that rickety old beach house. You came with me to Columbus, and I had you on the first time I shoveled snow off the sidewalk of my very own house.

But now you are gone, too holey for this world. I have worn you out. Goodbye, sweet, sweet Cabela's socks. Gone...but not forgotten.


BRH said...

Gross. This is embarrassing ;)

Corey said...

How touching. However, if those things touched me I'd vomit. Fountainously.

Brandon said...

You know what makes me feel better in times like these? This!