Lars and the Real Girl sounded like it would be an interesting movie when I first heard about it, but given the premise, I assumed it would be full of really awkward and gross sexual content. Then my mom told me it was the most amazing movie she had seen in a long, long time. Really, mom? A guy falls in love with a life-size sex doll, and you watched this?
So we put it in the other day and I waited for the cringe moment. And I waited. And I waited. And then I finally gave up and just enjoyed the movie. How Hollywood managed to produce a clean movie about a sex doll I'll never know, but they did it. Hats' off, Hollywood. Now if you could just do something with the other 99% GARBAGE FILMS YOU PRODUCE!!!
The most fascinating aspect of the movie, for me, was that it really felt like a postmodern sermon. At the beginning of the film, Lars goes to the church, and we hear the preacher say something to the effect of, "God wants us to love each other. Love is God in action." And the rest of the film fleshed this idea out. It was a brilliant exposition.
I really don't want to give away any of the plot. So I'll just say, as odd as it sounds, I highly recommend you see this film about a man and his sex toy.
...copy of the movie. What did you think I meant?
I was so inspire by the movie that I got online and ordered my own...
Abbey and I were both REALLY impressed with it as well. In fact, I don't think any other recent movie-going experience sparked as much conversation as this one did. We talked the entire way home about its commentary on the church.
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