Friday, February 13, 2009

Remembering Ember

It's late and I've just finished reading the introduction to 'Walking with God' by John Eldredge. I'm remembering a time when I used to hear God's voice. I remember when I used to talk to him, and when he talked to me. I remember when he told me to plant a church, and I remember when it all fell apart.

I don't talk or think much about Ember Church anymore. I've not really dealt with it. But God keeps bringing it back to my mind and heart these days, and I think he thinks it's time for me to deal with it.

I was reading through some of our old stuff--vision statement, values, mission, etc. God meant more to me then than he does now. What else can I say, really? I'm going to post some of our stuff here tonight. Maybe God will speak to all of us...


Jeanette said...

I would love to know your thoughts after reading the book. I read it a few months ago. Still trying to grasp the idea that he can hear God so clearly and specifically.

theansellfamily said...

Andy, I read your whole list of posts about Ember. What an amazing vision. I'm really sorry it fell apart, but maybe God isn't saying, "No" just "Not yet." I love your ideas and hope that you do get to see this dream realized someday.