Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Weeks Away

We are just two weeks away from the first Ember service! I can't even begin to describe how excited I am for this church to launch. I came into my office this morning and found our 8' sign rolled up on my chair, and underneath it were our two overflow parking signs...because we're hoping to fill up the parking lot, and then some, on August 14!

If you're planning on coming to worship with us that first weekend, we've got a special gift for you. No, it's not a pen. Or a coffee mug. It's dinner! After the service we're going to hang out and celebrate what Jesus has done and what we hope he will do in and through our community. I don't know what's on the menu, but I do know it's free! So come out and nourish your soul and your belly with us. (These are the sort of things I have to say now that I'm pastoring a church. It's in the handbook.)

August 14 | 5pm
401 E. Schrock Rd., Westerville

You can always check out our website or browse through the various Ember posts on this blog for more information on the church. (Some of those Ember posts are from a previous church plant that is not directly related to this one.) Or you can send me an email. I'd love to talk with you about the church.


Corey said...

Is it necessary for you to soon change the title of this blog? Or, perhaps, add a tagline to clarify?

andy said...

Why does everyone keep asking me that? I think the blog title will stay, because of its inherent awesomeness.